Universal Wemos D1 Box
Like a lot of things, the idea for this box came from my own frustration of creating a new box for every ESP8266 project. I decided to create a small case that satified each of my needs. The result is a case, that can house a LM2596 DC DC converter, a 18650 battery or a Hi-Link module for use as power supply. The Wemos D1 is in a separate compartment and any Wemos shield (or other sensor) in a third compartment. This compartment can be closed with a small plate, that you can slide into place. This plate can be customized to fit a sensor, pushbutton, just slits for an internal sensor, wires (like in the photo for a relay shield) or ... This is the only part I have to design for a new project. For use with the 18650 battery I use a Wemos battery shield, that can be soldered piggyback on de Wemos D1. There is no room for connectors, so I use a little spacer between the two components. This prevents the two from touching and it takes the battery shield at the correct height for the opening for the micro-usb connector. (Which can be closed with a small clip if you don't use the battery shield.) Great ... until I discovered it didn't have room for a OLED 1306 I wanted to use. So I made a second lid, that can hold the OLED. (And pushbuttons?) And where do the cables for the DC DC converter or the Hi-Link module enter the case? I leave that up to you. ;-) In most cases it will be a round hole you can easily drill in one of the three walls. (The battery-clip holders are only 1 mm thick: you can easily break them out.) UPDATE - Added supports to center-align the battery. - Added 5 small slides to close the ‘shield compartment’ - Added a small cap to close the holes in the ‘oled lid’ - Made the usb clip thinner - Made the regular lid thicker, so the screws don’t stick out anymore. Updated the Fusion files