Amazing Plus-Ultra Pen Holder V3

Amazing Plus-Ultra Pen Holder V3


I'm really proud of it, as it finally was better than expected. You can store a bunch of SD and micro SD cards, five USB sticks, personal bussiness cards, a 40x3 mm section ruler and a lot of AA and AAA batteries, apart of the classic place for your pens. One of the lids only have a nice motor. The other one is for putting a custom plate. I used it for putting text and symbols. The one in the pictures is not finished yet. I'm uploading an updated and improved version of my previous one here: Under the motor is the lid that hide the batteries access, but this is mainly a unblocker access. Is so high that batteries always twist and block the way. Is better putting one by one by the exit. ALSO you must take out them by sliding them to the side. Front exit was not good option as the weight of all the batteries behind pushed out them. All behind the body and under the lid there are two separated towers of AA and AAA batteries that you can take from the front down part of it. In the front you can put the SD cards, and aside the USB holders you can put the most used and nice pens you want in the four specific holes. In the other side you can put the bussiness cards and the ruler in the almost hidden space for this last one. I took that beatiful motor from the king here: Hope you like it! Please leave your comments and suggestions for improvement.






