Modular Face Shield
The complete model takes 2 prints of the full field stl for a total of 30 blocks and 1 print of the 3 pegs stl file. i have been printing at .2 with zero supports. the files are set for a 6inx6in build plate (150mmx150mm) uses standard US 3 hole punch with overhead projector transparencies for the shielding. any plastic that can be 3hole punched and is clear should work, like a carefully cut 2-3 liter bottle for example where transparencies cant be found. 10 blocks for the front, 10 blocks for the back connected by T blocks. attach Quad blocks to the T blocks Face shield is, long piece, peg peice, 2 blocks, center peg, 2 blocks, peg peice, long peice. attach that to the Quads above the front band last 7 blocks go across the top. there should be 2 spare blocks for customization or failsafe incase of part failure.