Monoprice Select Mini V2 | 5 Point Bed Level Test. (Good For Glass Beds)

Monoprice Select Mini V2 | 5 Point Bed Level Test. (Good For Glass Beds)


I was looking around for a good bed level test print and [found this one by teejschmitz]( which worked pretty good, though there were a few minor issues for me that made it a bit of a struggle when printing. 1. I didn't like the print lines I just wanted the 5 point squares. 2. I have [this glass bed]( which has very sharply cut corners that cut off just a few millimeters of print surface causing some of the squares to print just off of my glass print surface. Reducing the Width and Length of the print by like 4% fixed this issue though 3. The squares were quite small. This print fixes all those minor issues. This print is just 5 simple squares placed at key points of the print surface. **INSTRUCTIONS** Let the first layer of all 5 squares print and than cancel the print. The surface of the squares should feel smooth. If the corner is too close to the nozzle (too high) the square will feel rough and bumpy and the corner should be tightened. If the corner is too far away from the nozzle (too low) the lines will be very noticeable and the print will feel more like a harp with lines very easy to separate with your fingers when the square is removed and the corner should be loosened.



