Slasher Flightcrew - Tabletop miniatures

Slasher Flightcrew - Tabletop miniatures


This is a model i designed for tabletop gaming. My friend runs a DnD group that's set in an apocalypse setting and i enjoy designing and printing the miniatures that we use. I designed the flightcrew slasher off of models from Dead Space "Encountered in Dead Space, Dead Space 2 and Dead Space: Extraction, this variant is one of the rarest variants to be encountered in the games, but they are more common on Hydroponics Deck than on the other decks on Ishimura. They are created from male hosts, who were once part of the flight-crew of Ishimura and the Titan Station. They had their skin completely ripped off, with only the muscle tissue remaining. The person's head is still somewhat intact, although the jawbone is gone and has been replaced with sharp spikes. The right eyeball is also missing. The left eye glows in the dark with green light, possible because of bioluminescent bacteria. The "flight crew" uniform is barely noticeable aside from the green shade. This Slasher is also notable for the seething worm-like tentacles that protrude from its right eye socket and mouth; these tentacles will continue moving even after the Necromorph has been killed, they will only stop moving if the Necromorph is decapitated." -Dead Space fandom wiki






