Artillery Sidewinder X1 Left 5015 fan duct TESTED

Artillery Sidewinder X1 Left 5015 fan duct TESTED


Artillery Sidewinder X1 Left mount 5015 nozzle cooling fan duct Release v5 It will probably fit the Genius, too. Mass is close to 15g. Mounts to the heatbreak fan with original bolts. I'm using two 3mmx20mm bolts with nuts to attach the fan to the duct. v5.1 recessed area for M3 nuts, 1mm deep (see picture of black print) v5: FIRST VERIFIED PERFORMANCE VERSION. Testing day has finally occurred! Versions 1, 4.1, and 5 have been fully tested against the stock fan/duct arrangement. V2 and v3 were clearly not better than stock so they were not tested. V1 and V4.1 do not meet performance standards. V5 dramatically outperforms all other revisions and stock setup. Changes: the opening height was brought down from 4mm to 3mm. Older versions will be deleted now. All pictures do represent v4 for now, but the only difference is the height of the duct opening. Test Results: *v5 quality declined at approximately 85 degrees overhang on the side facing the duct, 65 degrees on the sides perpendicular to the duct, and the far side was nearly perfect. *stock quality declined at 80 degrees on the side facing the duct, and 53 degrees on all other sides. *********************OLDER VERSIONS********************* v4.1: Version 4 is not fully tested but preliminary flow comparisons are very promising. It has been revised to direct the air more downward away from the hotend and through a shallower and wider opening. Bolt hole alignment has been improved. Duct inlet had been made less turbulent. Revisions were made from v3 because the air was too spread out to be effective. White PLA pictures are of v4, one CAD drawing represents v4. v4: Version 4 is identical to 4.1 but one of the bolt holes was lost in editing. v3: If you were one of the two people to download v3, you might as well toss it in the trash. Comparing the performance with v1, v3 was inferior. The outlet was too wide and airflow was diffused. v2: Nearly the same as v3, almost immediately updated to v3. v1: A silicone sock is recommended for use with version 1 as it looks like it can direct moving air against the hotend. This should be a substantial upgrade for bridging and curling to the stock 4020 setup. My sunLu PLA+ used to curl at the corners, then catch the nozzle on the next layer and knock the print off the bed - not anymore. Blue PLA picture is of v1.



