Pipette tip sorting device 'Elster' for 200 µL pipette tips
This pipette tip sorting device can quickly sort and transfer 200 µL pipette tips to a pipette tip storage box and thereby makes the tedious work of sorting pipette tips by hand redundant. For a fully functional device you additionally require four magnets with a diameter of 3 mm and a height of 2 mm. This device was designed to suit 200 µL neutral pipette tips of the brand Sarstedt (order no. 70.760.002) (see picture).While the device might work with other pipette tips, I can not guarantee it and would recommend to measure the tips you are using and check if they will fit. The most crucial aspect seems to be the width directly underneath the edge of the pipette tip head, since this is where they will slide on the rails of the device. Here is a link to a parametric fusion 360 (.f3d) file: https://a360.co/2JQscTy Unfortunately, you will need fusion 360 to edit it (its free). In this file I introduced two parameters: First, 'pipette tip neck diameter', which is the diameter directly underneath the edge of the pipette tip head and second, 'pipette tip belly diameter', which is the diameter 4 mm below the edge. If you have any other idea how to make an easily accessible customized file please help me out. If you let me know the exact diameter at the 'neck' and 'belly' of your pipette tips, I can adapt the parameters for you and send you your customized design. In that case, please also let me know the brand and name/number of your pipette tip model. Good luck :)