VR Stand for the Valve Index

VR Stand for the Valve Index


Hi folks, I designed a Valve Index Stand for a friend, because there was no real stand for the Valve Index. He convinced me to share it. The pictures show an older version. I already changed some difficulties. Please give me some feedback, so I can update this version. Feel free to use my parts for remixes or other things. The stand is an assembly of single printed parts. There are no pressure fittings, so it is easy to assembly and disassembly. If you want something to hold forever like the logo or the writing, you should glue them together. Superglue will do. Under the Controller Stands there is a socket for a pair of magnetic usb-c cables. It is specially designed for this cables: https://www.amazon.de/gp/product/B07Y3246CS/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1. Before using a different kind of cables you should check whether the cables fit. If you want to change the model parts, I am happy to give them to you. Edit: After a request there is a Controller Stand Extension Stand Alone that connects the Controller Stand parts without the main part. I have updated the controllers left and right. Thanks to the suggestions for improvement from @MaxPowerzs. Now the controller stands can be printed without support. Also controllers with grip extension fit into the holder. And the cable can be fixed with cable ties at the bottom.







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