Trigorilla pro schematics and reverse engineering
Anycubic Trigorilla pro specs and mcu pinout - 32bit Cortex-M3 MCU (STM32F103ZET6) 8MHz crystal - Soldered 5x A4988 stepper drivers configured to 16 microsteps (MS all to 3v3) - WIFI slot for ESP-01S - Onboard Winbond W25Q16JV 16Mbit SPI Flash - Onboard 24C16 I2C 16Kbit EEPROM - 1F SuperCapacitor for blackout data backup with a mosfet for pwm charge - Onboard SD Card slot and pin header - USB Serial communication - Buzzer, sw controlled internal led - Second Extruder-Hotend DaughterBoard predisposition - Mounted in Anycubic Predator, I3 Mega and ecc - Custom touch lcd 3.5 inch 320x480 ILI9488 with TSC2046 spi touch controller - can be flashed with st flash loader demonstrator 2.6.0 changing jumpers I have recostructed the schematics of this board from my predator, i hope that in some time is possible to implement a custom firmware for this board without change it. The schematics is designed with eagle cad free and is for only for study purpose, only the foundamental signals are drawed, and some components that i have selected are incorrect for the pcb, but for the digital wiring sense is ok. The library for the drawing are all included, created from the respectively authors. I don't know if the lcd pinout is correct for the digital bus control signals. * Jumpers for flashing MCU - JP1 = Bootloader, remove and power up for flashing - SW1 = 5V From usb or internal psu, is used for flash w/out psu * Stepper controllers and cpu pin cross table - X-MOTOR * DIR = PE6 * STEP = PE5 * nENABLE = PC13 - Y-MOTOR * DIR = PE3 * STEP = PE2 * nENABLE = PE4 - Z-MOTOR * DIR = PE0 * STEP = PB9 * nENABLE = PE1 - EXTRUDER-MOTOR * DIR = PB5 * STEP = PB4 * nENABLE = PB8 - Z2-MOTOR (not used in predator) * DIR = PC6 * STEP = PC7 * nENABLE = PG8 * Digital Sensors all pull-upped to 5v - FILAMENT1 = PA15 - Z- = PA14 - Z+ = PA13 (autolevel removable switch un predator) - Y- = PA12 - X- = PG10 * Analog Sensors all pull-upped to 3v3 with 4k7Ohm resistor - E-TEMP = PA1 - B-TEMP = PA0 * Fans - M-FAN = PD6 (internal motherboard for predator) - FAN0 = PG13 (duct blowers for predator) - FAN1 = PG14 (hotend fan for predator) * Heaters - HOT-END1 = PG12 - HOTBED = PG11 (inverted) * Second Extruder-Hotend Headers (no signal conditioning, direct connected to cpu) - JP3 * 1-EXT = PC5 (Extruder STEP?) * 2-RVO = PB1 (Extruder DIR?) * 3-HOT2 = PG7 (HotEnd control out?) * 4-COOL2 = PG6 (HotEnd fan control out?) * 5-TEMP2 = PA2 (HotEnd ADC sensor in?) - JP6 * 1-GND * 2-12/24V * 3-12/24V * 4-GND * 5-GND * 6-3V3 * 7-FILAMENT2 = PA3 (Second filament runout sensor?) * Voltage Alarm, SuperCapacitor and signaling - ALARM = PG2 (12/24V monitoring comparator output, to trigger backup) - PWM-OUT = PG4 (PWM generated from CPU for charge supercap w/out damange) - BUZZER = PB0 (frequency generated from cpu) - LED = PD3 (internal led inverted logic) * Memory - 24C16 * SCL = PG0 * SDA = PG1 - W25W16JV on SPI2 Interface * nCS = PB12 * CLK = PB13 * DO = PB14 * DI = PB15 - SD Card slot and pin header JP2 on SDIO * CMD = PD2 * CK = PC12 * D0 = PC8 * D1 = PC9 * D2 = PC10 * D3 = PC11 * Wi-Fi ESP01S ESP8266 Module socket J1 to USART3 - 1 RX = PB10 USART3 TX - 2 3V3 - 3 GND - 4 GPIO = PD12 RESET - 5 NC - 6 3V3 - 7 GND - 8 TX PB11 USART3 RX - orientation - |1|2| => CPU - |3|4| - |5|6| - |7|8| * USB Serial communication USART1 - USART1 TX = PA9 (to RX pin of the PL2303) - USART1 RX = PA10 (to TX pin of the PL2303) * LCD Touch Display connector 39 pin start from X- connector, on FSMC as lcd cont. - 1 = 3V3 - 2 = NC - 3 = NC - 4 = NC - 5 = GND - 6 = PD14 lcd pin 9 of 40 - 7 = PD15 lcd pin 10 of 40 - 8 = PD0 lcd pin 11 of 40 - 9 = PD1 lcd pin 12 of 40 - 10 = PD7 lcd pin 4 of 40 - 11 = PD11 lcd pin 5 of 40 - 12 = PD5 lcd pin 6 of 40 - 13 = PD4 lcd pin 7 of 40 - 14 = PD13 Backlight on - 15 = PE7 lcd pin 13 of 40 - 16 = PE11 lcd pin 17 of 40 - 17 = PE12 lcd pin 18 of 40 - 18 = PE13 lcd pin 19 of 40 - 19 = PE14 lcd pin 20 of 40 - 20 = PE15 lcd pin 21 of 40 - 21 = PD8 lcd pin 22 of 40 - 22 = PD9 lcd pin 23 of 40 - 23 = PD10 lcd pin 24 of 40 - 24 = PB6 TSC2046 Touch nIRQ - 25 = PA6 TSC2046 Touch DO - 26 = PA7 TSC2046 Touch DI - 27 = PB7 TSC2046 Touch nCS - 28 = PA5 TSC2046 Touch CLK - 29 = PF11 lcd pin 8 of 40 - 30 = PE8 lcd pin 14 of 40 - 31 = PE9 lcd pin 15 of 40 - 32 = PE10 lcd pin 16 of 40 - 33 = GND - 34 = GND - 35 = GND - 36 = 5V - 37 = 5V - 38 = 3V3 - 39 = 3V3 - 40 = 3V3 * Resistive touch controller TSC2046 on SPI1 - PB6 = nIRQ - PA6 = DO - PA7 = DI - PB7 = nCS - PA5 = CLK * LCD 3.5 inch 320x480 ILI9488 controller model FXD035HV20-FPC-A0 on custom board - 1 = GND - 2 = 3V3 - 3 = 3V3 - 4 = CSX PD7 FSMC_NE1/FSMC_NCE2 - 5 = D/CX PD11 FSMC A16 - 6 = WRX PD5 FSMC_NWE - 7 = RD PD4 FSMC_NOE - 8 = RESET PF11 FSMC_NIOS16 - 9 = DB0 PD14 FSMC_Dx - 10 = DB1 PD15 * - 11 = DB2 PD0 * - 12 = DB3 PD1 * - 13 = DB4 PE7 * - 14 = DB5 PE8 * - 15 = DB6 PE9 * - 16 = DB7 PE10 * - 17 = DB8 PE11 * - 18 = DB9 PE12 * - 19 = DB10 PE13 * - 20 = DB11 PE14 * - 21 = DB12 PE15 * - 22 = DB13 PD8 * - 23 = DB14 PD9 * - 24 = DB15 PD10 * - 25 = GND - 26 = Y+ - 27 = Y- - 28 = Y- - 29 = X+ - 30 = K - 31 = K - 32 = K - 33 = K - 34 = K - 35 = K - 36 = 3V3 - 37 = GND - 38 = NC - 39 = NC - 40 = NC