Drill Jig Guide Block
A practical drill guide block for drilling holes at 90° to a surface, or into a tube. Hole sizes 10/8/6/5/4/3 mm. **Make sure to print this upside down (with the V-groove at the top). This is because the top of your print will be flatter than the bottom (even a little warping will drastically reduce the effectiveness of the part). I recommend that you cancel the print after 5-10 minutes and check that the holes being produced by your printer are a suitable size for your drill bits. Scale the model up or down slightly in your slicer as required to get a close fit.** What does this lack? If you buy a jig for ~20x the price of this print, then you gain the benefits of rubber feet to help keep the guide stationary & preventing the drill from walking, as well as metal sleeves which also assist against walking as well extend the life of the jig.