Anet 32bit
Do you want to upgrade your Anet E12 / E16 with 32bit? Here is a small guide! Requirements more than mediocre !! Required materials: 1 piece SKR mini V1.1 dimensions 90x70mm in addition to 4 stepper drivers 1 piece of mosfet for heatbed 1 pc board adapter 1 piece of mosfet holder as well as cables, dexterity and programming skills (marlin 2.0) Print out the circuit board adapter and mosfet holder. Remove the printer and disconnect it from the mains, open the housing and remove the mainboard. Now the SD card slot 18mm wide and the USB port 14mm have to be refined, towards the display. You need a file that is narrower than 1.6mm for the SD card slot. When this is done, the board adapter and the SKR Board mounted, check whether the USB slot / SD card fits. Mosfethalter and Mount the mosfet. Special cable EXP1 to ANET-LCD; You need 26cm 10pin. Flat cable and 2 10-pin Tub connector. On the EXP1 side, remove the 4th wire from the composite, comes with a 1pin DuPont connector on the reset (EXP2 / Pin8), red cable marking on pin1 (very important !!!). Watch out! On the Anet side, the red wire is on pin10, so that plus and minus come on pin2 (plus) and pin1 (minus), turn 2 wires. On the Anet-LCD, solder a 6cm long cable to the LCD post well on Pin7 1 Pole. DuPont connector on, this comes later on J3 / Pin7 (reset) The limit switches are poled differently, there is the positive pole outside and in the middle the negative pole. So it has to the negative pole in the connector can be moved to the middle. See Pic_20 Furthermore, the fan connections are polarized differently, there it is enough to turn the tubs of the connections. See Pic_19 That is the entire hardware conversion. Software: In the directory "Marlin-bugfix-2.0.x_12864P_16div_Demo / Marlin / scr / pins / stm32" the following pins must be changed in the file "pins_BTT_MINI_V1_1.h": "#define BTN_ENC PB11 to #define BTN_ENC PB6" "#define LCD_PINS_RS PC12 to #define LCD_PINS_RS PC14" "#define BTN_EN1 PD2 to #define BTN_EN1 PC15" "#define BTN_EN2 PB8 to #define BTN_EN2 PC13" "#define LCD_PINS_ENABLE PB6 to #define LCD_PINS_ENABLE PB7" "#define LCD_PINS_D4 PC13 to #define LCD_PINS_D4 PC11" In the Configuration_adv.h you must changed "#define SDCARD_CONNECTION LCD to #define SDCARD_CONNECTION ONBOARD" The following settings must be made in Configuration.h so that the LCD and the SD slot function: "#define SDSUPPORT" "#define REPRAP_DISCOUNT_FULL_GRAPHIC_SMART_CONTROLLER" the Anet 12864 LCD now works with this. All other settings are normal in the Configuration.h or Configuration_adv.h made. This was my Anet E12 ;-)