Full Facemask w/ Articulating Filters

Full Facemask w/ Articulating Filters


This was my first foray into printing a particle mask. i was looking to convert something that was already a mask so I came across <a href="https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07QQJX81Z/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1">this mask from Amazon.</a> It was perfect! Not only was it a full face mask with a separate breathing space from the eyes (no fog) but it kept the in/out breath-ways separate as well. What made this a ready to wear particle mask was that it had a breath-out valve in the front, similar to gas masks so the filters didn't have to do double duty. First attempt at an adapter I tried using clips to keep the adapter attached but found that a) they kept breaking and b) I didn't need them. These fit so snug that their airtight and darn near impossible to remove. (Still have the clip design if anyone want to tinker with them - perhaps an ABS print would be more forgiving). I had my mask and I had my adapters but I didn't have any filters. I had planned on using a 3M filter from the hardware store but alas, there are non to be had. That's when I came across <a href="https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4223753">Maxdarkdog's</a> filter alternatives. 3M adapters, great design and used the cotton rounds I already had to it was a win, win, win. The filters fit onto the adapters very tight, no gasket needed. What's great is that you can position the filters front, up, down, back or any way that you please. Perhaps facing them back might keep them better protected. The project turned out better than I had hoped. Mask is airtight, adapters work great with the filters (hope they work great with 3M filters when I can get them), protects the eyes and isn't uncomfortable to wear - as long as it's not ALL day.







3D Printing