GameBoy CR1616 Battery Holder

GameBoy CR1616 Battery Holder


First I bought the wrong batteries. I wanted to replace the battery a few of my cartridges but I also wanted them to be easily replaceable since with metal tabs you have to reheat solder pads every single time you go to change the battery- which is what, once in 10-20 years anyway? But still! Searching, searching I looked for something other than this one because it didn't 'clip' them in but it was no use. So I searched CR1616 here on Thihgiverse and sure enough it was my only option- only I didn't realize it was for the CR2025s in Pokemon games before I printed it. So fed up, I decided to make my own. It's basically the same sort of design only with the correct batteries and a bit more in depth to fit more 'snug'. And I gotta say, they came out perfectly to my liking. So credit to Jobau for the simplistic model idea. I did draw this up from scratch based on his interpretation. I would post it as a 'Remix' but it isn't the same battery even nor did I edit his original files. If you want to fix Pokemon, follow the link previously mentioned. Surely it's no big accomplishment nor is it aesthetically wonderful by any means but it serves the purpose as intended. To install it, you'll need to remove the metal tabs from your old battery first. I made a video here: showing how I do it. Unfortunately I hadn't created this yet but I'm working on a follow-up video. What I found that works really well is that you can put the bottom half (the smaller of the two) where it's supposed to go, line up the metal pin and solder it firmly into place. Then align the top tab parallel with the bottom before applying the top cap. I also found that bending the top tab down from where it just peeks over the corner helps it to make it fit perfectly. So hopefully someone finds this useful. I actually spent much more time than I should have making this just right. I believe the batteries with metal tabs are more expensive too, so that's a plus. I bought 30 CR1616s for $10. If you like this and appreciate it enough to show me some support, there's also a page for this:






