ULTRA LIGHT - Makers Modular Mask System - Covid-19 Face Mask Respirator - 3D Printed for Corona Virus and other Applications
NOTE: You should only use a flexible filament for printing these masks. depending on the type, PLA or other rigid materials could prove too brittle and could cause injury if wearing on your face. Check out this video made by icfirz where he does a great video demonstrating the dangers of this:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ErP28uP4mVI&feature=youtu.be I do not recommend wearing any mask while driving for multiple reasons (carbon dioxide, airbags, etc.). Check out this story where a person wearing an n95 mask passed out from (apparently) carbon dioxide build-up. Don't know what mask they were wearing or what all contributed to it but good to be aware of. https://dailyvoice.com/new-jersey/morris/police-fire/nj-driver-wearing-n95-mask-passes-out-crashes-due-to-lack-of-oxygen-police-say/787079/ If you like this mask and would like to help support my work you can either use the "Tip Designer" link or PayPal me directly at: https://www.paypal.me/MrDWGraf Please hit the like button! (if you like the product) The Goal of this mask is to make a low poly respirator that is stupid simple to print/operate and that uses a readily available/incredibly cheap filter mechanism requiring no cutting of material. (in this case makeup pads) This mask is a low poly option (the Lite Large Mask with Lite filter is only 21g) that requires no supports, rims or rafts and can be printed at 0% infill. Using minimal filament allows the mask to print much quicker/cheaper in a situation where mass production is necessary. For other Mask sizes, filter covers and adapters (including the double filter adapter) visit the main listing for the "Makers Modular Mask System" https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4256244 If you "make" one I would love to see you post your make here!!