TRIPLE XL Dynastash with Debowler

TRIPLE XL Dynastash with Debowler


If you thought that Tankbuster's original was a little overly designed.... I present to you the completely and totally overdesigned remix... The Triple XL Dynastash with debowler. First time remixing anything or using tinkercad at all so it's a fairly monstrous recreation, but it gets the job done. Designed to hold the 128mm Glass beaded stems with mouthpiece, so safe to say it will fit just about every length stem. It holds 3 Dynavaps and has space for 3 12x3mm DIAMETRIC magnets. There was some sanding/filing involved to get it to comfortably hold the more funky shaped nonavong. It has a stash space for reloading and a smaller debowling compartment with super flimsy debowling tool(that will more than likely break). This will of course hold the M. But you might find the reloading/stash chamber to be a touch deep for easy reloading, still do-able though. **If you do plan on putting material in the stash/debowler I HIGHLY suggest doing some serious sanding/finishing/washing of the whole thing before you do. Vaping PLA particles can't be good! I welcome someone else having a go a creating something like this, I learned a lot making it, like I'm terrible at 3D design. All the credit goes to Tankbuster for giving me something to mutilate, thanks!







3D Printing