Fury of Dracula 4th Edition Board Game Box Insert Organizer (should also work for 3rd edition)

Fury of Dracula 4th Edition Board Game Box Insert Organizer (should also work for 3rd edition)


Fury of Dracula 4th Edition Box Organizer Insert (should also work for 3rd edition) Here the tinkercad link https://www.tinkercad.com/things/jrOzD6ooIhQ-fury-of-dracula Inspired by Custom Box for Fury of Dracula By Paquisto https://boardgamegeek.com/blogpost/56298/custombox-fury-dracula-paquisto Fury of Dracula - Hunter Cards Holds the Hunters Combat Cards Fury of Dracula - Bat and Despair Tokens Holds Bat, Despair and Time Tokens Fury of Dracula - Damage Holds Damage Tokens Fury of Dracula - Dracula Combat and Encounter Cards Holds Dracula Combat and Encounter Cards Fury of Dracula - Dracula Tray Holds Power Cards, Dracula, Bite and Rumer Tokens Fury of Dracula - Event Cards Holds Event Cards with slot to draw from bottom of the deck ***Print with Supports*** Fury of Dracula - Hunter Tray Holds Item Cards, Hunters, Roadblock, Heavenly and Consecrated Ground Tokens Fury of Dracula - Location Cards Holds Land and Sea Location Cards Fury of Dracula - Reference Cards Holds Reference Cards Fury of Dracula - Storm and Fog Tokens Holds Storm and Fog Tokens Fury of Dracula - Tickets Holds Tickets







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