Face Shield Frame - 3 split for small printing bed

Face Shield Frame - 3 split for small printing bed


NOTE: I do not recommend this face shield for medical use. It is more suitable for community use for essential workers. For those intended to build for medical use, please check NIH's website for clinically reviewed ones (https://3dprint.nih.gov/collections/covid-19-response) This is a remix of the simplified face shield. The current face shield are usually printed in one piece which is not easy to do on small printer bed. I have a MonoPrice Mini Delta with a bed of only 110x110mm. To print on such a small bed I split the frame into three pieces, with the longest piece = 110mm. Once printed you can assemble the frame together. The assembled unit should be the same size as the original one. You can use the same transparent film specifications for the face shield. This version should print fine on the Min Delta. Due to some unknown slicing issue, different rotation of the model will produce slight asymmetric insertion tab thickness that will affect the assembling. The current rotation of the STL is set to minimize such asymmetry for the Monoprice Mini Delta. Therefore, when loading the STL to your slicing software, DONOT rotate, only move the STL to the center of your bed. If you have a different printer and experience the problem of one insertion tab feels tighter than the other, try to rotate the model to a position that is symmetric for the both side of the tab.





