3018 CNC Drag Knife Holder

3018 CNC Drag Knife Holder


I wanted to attach a drag knife to my 3018 cnc (pro) without having to remove the spindle motor each time. The knife holder is already working great. The spindle-blocker works as well but is not looking nice. Feel free to remix and improve it! Or invent something completely new that is even better ;) I have printed the "blocker STL" and used a piece of 4mm plywood to cut the "blocker SVG". Use 3mm screws to mount it on the back of the plastic part. Trim the noses so it fits on the spindle holder to minimize any movement. The drag knife (12mm body diameter) was bought [here](https://s.click.aliexpress.com/e/_dTunLvW) If you are interested in a 3018 CNC you can find one [here](https://s.click.aliexpress.com/e/_dUUTTas) Have fun!



