CNC 3018 modular spring loaded engraving/paint tool

CNC 3018 modular spring loaded engraving/paint tool


I want to evaluate various ways of making PCB on my 3018 CNC machine, but realized that it is quite difficult to find spring loaded engraver tool, especially for such a small shaft (5mm). So I decided to design module which allows to make regular tool to be spring loaded. In process of design it came that the same tool can be simply adopted for other similar tasks - for example painting using permanent marker. As I am dealing with various 3D printers at home I have bunch of spare parts - 8mm rods and linear bearings, like LM8UU and LM8EUU though are definitely overkill for this purpose. DISCLAIMER: this part is in design process and havent been tested yet at all, it may not work or work well, or any part can be changed for various reason, so be warned. 1 Installation of adapter. You need 2 linear bearings LM8UU or LM8EUU (if in doubt measure outside diameter, LM8UU is 15mm and LM8EUU is 16mm) and depends which you have print 2 equal pieces of adapter_LM8UU.stl or LM8EUU.stl accordingly. 2 Remove spindle DC 775 motor and install 2 adapters inserting bearings inside. Note adapter is not symmetrical, put smaller side towards CNC as otherwise you can have issue with top plastic where Z stepper is attached to. Tighten them, but do not overtight, as you are dealing with plastic. 3 Print holder_motor_top.stl 4 Cut 8mm linear rod and make 2 pieces around 70mm long. That would make 5mm moving distance. If you want more make them longer. 5 Put 2 3mm nuts in vertical holes in holder, attach springs to 3mm bolt (14 - 20 mm long) and insert them. Insert 8mm rods and tighten them with those 2 bolts. (Again do not overtight) 6 Insert rods into adapter. Put 2 more 3mm bolts into holes on the adapter sides (self tappening thread) to tighten springs. 7 Print holder_bottom (choose depends on the purpose) Insert 4 M3 nuts. Tighten motor and rods in place using 2 25mm long M3 bolts. Tighten 2 15-20mm M3 bolts to fix 8mm rods. Again this piece is in design and tests, more pieces and pictures to come. STL Files ======= * adapter_LM8UU.stl spindle adapter for LM8UU bearing print 2 of them * adapter_LM8EUU.stl spindle adapter for LM8EUU bearing print 2 of them Note you do not need them both, print 2 for bearings you have and want to use * holder_motor_top.stl top part holding 8mm rods by 2 M3 bolts (same bolts can be used for tension springs) you would need 2 M3 longer than 14mm bolts and 4 M3 nuts - print 1 * holder_bottom_555p.stl bottom part to hold 555 DC motor with plates (thicker) you would need 2 20mm long M3 bolts and 2 M3 nuts - print 1 * holder_bottom_555.stl bottom part to hold 555 DC motor bare (just motor) you would need 2 20mm long M3 bolts and 2 M3 nuts - print 1 * holder_bottom_365.stl bottom part to hold 365 DC motor bare (just motor) you would need 2 20mm long M3 bolts and 2 M3 nuts - print 1 Happy etching!



