Touchscreen Stylus - No Touch Tool and Key-chain - v1_0

Touchscreen Stylus - No Touch Tool and Key-chain - v1_0


One of my least favorite things to interact with during the COVID-19 pandemic is a touch screen at the grocery store! Of course, I could carry around a stylus... but I wanted to design a simple "no touch" tool I could keep on my key-chain that would allow me to interact with contaminated touchscreen surfaces without contaminating my fingers! Introducing the "Touchscreen No Touch Tool"! It features a conductive "point" that replaces your finger in touchscreen interactions. Simply uncover the perfectly-sized point, hold in either hand, and get down to business! The simple handle works with a number of grip preferences, and attaches to your key-chain for convenience. Once your interaction is complete, hide away the "point" with the optional "cover", protecting your belongings from contamination! All three parts print without need for support, and have been conveniently optimized to print at low resolution, high speed. Print one for each of your key-chains so you'll never have to touch a grimy touchscreen or keypad again! Yes, it also works on smartphones!







Hand Tools