Phrozen Transform Resin Calibration

Phrozen Transform Resin Calibration


Please make sure you read and understand the calibration.pdf file. If you ask a question on the facebook groups or in the comments here that's already answered in the manual, at best you will be told to RTFM, at worst, you'll just be ignored. Calibration prints to help you calibrate resin profiles for 20 layer heights from 10 microns to 100 microns in 5 micron increments. I can add more by request. Instructions are in Calibration.pdf Filenames containing "tr250lv" are intended for calibrating tr250lv resin, which is a very fast curing resin Ignore the calibration cube STL. It's only there because Thingiverse requires at least one STL per thing Update 2020-06-04 Following much thought about hotspots and coldspots (See the documentation for more info), the block pattern has been updated to 1 x 10mm block, 4 x 4mm blocks and 16 x 1mm pillars. The "Bed of Nails" even exposure test that I originally designed for the Wanhao D7 many years ago has also been upsized and included to check the exposure once a resin has been calibrated. Slice it as normal and print using your new profile



