Chainmail - European Rivet Design

Chainmail - European Rivet Design


Update: I learned that for proper chainmail, each riveted ring holds 4 non-riveted, simple circular rings. The circular ring is much stronger since it doesn't have a rivet. It makes sense to just put solid rings into the opened riveted ring, instead of using 100% riveted rings. Much stronger and much easier to produce. ---- Designed to replicate European riveted chain-mail, and for people to learn about the rivet chain-mail making process. With this ring, you can do the common 4:1 ring ratio (1 ring can fit 4 rings). Made similar to scale of real mail, but may be slightly thicker to make plastic more rigid and practical. I am interested to see what 50+ rings would look like, and wonder if the rings are too thick to properly form nicely on the surface it sits on. This is by far the strongest plastic chainmail ring on the internet without question due to its thickness. Print time: 8 minutes per Chain-mail ring Dimensions: - 3.0 mm thick (Z layer height) x 2.4 mm thick (ID to OD) - 15.8 mm OD, 11.0 mm ID - rivet hole 1.85 mm to fit 1.75 mm PLA filament. Making the rivet: - Simply snip-cut a 5mm length (1/4") of PLA spool, slide it through the rivet-hole, and use a solder iron / hot glue gun's heat surface to heat-press form the rivet. Do this on both sides. Each mail is very strong, resistant to plastic deformation, especially bending, shearing, etc. The weak point is obviously the rivet section which is why that spot is shaped as such, just like real mail. Use the Solidworks part file if you wish to remix and make any changes, I'll upload a STEP format later. (Most likely to make rings fit better to surface, reduce 3mm thickness, but the rivet section becomes thinner and weaker)






