1967 Ford Mustang GT500 - modified for 1/28 Mini-Q (TRQ1)

1967 Ford Mustang GT500 - modified for 1/28 Mini-Q (TRQ1)


This is my take on a sexy 1967 Mustang Shelby GT500. I made it to fit over my cheap banggood TRQ1 (Mini-Q) which is 1/28 scale. https://www.banggood.com/Sinohobby-MINI-Q-TRQ1-2_4G-128-Mini-Drift-RC-Car-p-1390549.html?rmmds=search&ID=223&cur_warehouse=CN The original TRQ1 chassis is based on the following dimensions: - 93mm between front and back wheels - 53.75mm between left and right wheels - 8.5mm wheels I have a WIP on a 3DPrinted chassis over here : https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4315163 Nothing special about it. I decided to print it from front to back in slices. Like that, I'll have the best details. Part01 is the front, and it goes on until Part07 with the rear. To simplify assembly and alignment, I added 1mm holes in the parts. If you have 1mm steel wire laying around, cut a few pieces (lenght : 1cm) and plug it in the corresponding holes. Here's a "out of focus" first test after gluing it all together : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zqs82wfz52c https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0I5OYCneJ0U https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p_maU1PrFMQ&t=5s Good luck, and keep drifting :) #Correction N°1 : Added General Thickness mainly on the doors/sides and the hood #Correction N°2 : Added holes for guiding and simplifying assembly #Correction N°3 : Redesigned wheel arch to simplify printing







R/C Vehicles