No-touch Tool W/ Bag Hook

No-touch Tool W/ Bag Hook


UPDATE: Realized my design is really oversized. Print all parts at 50% size and use the small hook at 50% size. Some post-processing is required and you will need to reinforce the tool after inserting the hand (I just used electrical tape wound tightly). I'll work on revising the design as I find time. Remixed Service Fabula's Boy's Hand as part of my no-touch challenge. Repositioned the fingers and put a cuff on it and smoothed it to make it look like a nitrile exam glove. See more of Service Fabula's things here: If you have a smaller printer, you may need to resize all of the files in your slicer (I resized all at 50% in Cura for my Ender 3 Pro) Just make sure to resize them all at the same ratio so the parts still fit together afterwards. If you do resize to fit, I included a different file for the hook so that the integrity isn't affected when you resize. The hole at the end of the handle is for a stylus. Just press it in really hard, it may crack the internals, but that's by design and should still hold it just fine. If you resize, just use a drill bit to widen the hole enough to fit your stylus. Enjoy!



