Darth Vader Remix 4 Covid-19 Mask V2

Darth Vader Remix 4 Covid-19 Mask V2


Hi everybody, with all the masks-mandatory-laws upcoming, I felt the need for a "cool" mask. I looked for Darth Vader masks, but the only person who obviously thought like me, was bali01246. Thanks for your great work!!! Problem was, the he designed it for lafactoria3d's Covid-19 Mask V1 - while there was already a V2 out - which looked better to me. Thanks also to lafactoria3d for their great designs. So what I did, was bring the two together - really only quick'n dirty with a quick resize and more and bigger holes for better breathability. This is adapted to the size L-thin for the Filter_standard_connector. I guess, it will work for all the smaller sizes as well - just the L-wide might me problem. The M-wide, M-thin and the S-thin are no problem (confirmed). Let me know, if you tested it. Please get the mask files from lafactoria3d! https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4225667 I can't really say, that this works without supports... sorry... Pro tip at the end: Equip your mobile phone with an mp3 of Vader breathing... then go out ;-) Pro tip 2: use a piece of black cloth as the front layer for the filter inlay ;-) May the force be with you!






