Braiding star for friendship band/shoelaces and more

Braiding star for friendship band/shoelaces and more


This is a remix of a braid star that I found here on Thingiverse - and it's actually my first design that I share here! I needed a braiding star for my students but the thicker version would take forever to print one for each student. Also, the original model that I tinkered only had the arrows guiding where the next thread to be moved would come from in the jpg-file, but not on the printfile. So I added them too. Hope someone will enjoy braiding! (As I grew up we did these wristbands by cutting a circle with eight side cuts in any random cardboard and braided. It worked most of the time but after a while, if pulling the threads hard to make an even and perfect lace/band the yarn would just cat straight in to the middle hole. So for this PLA is actually better and will last a long time!) /Åsa Maria







3D Printing