USB clip light

USB clip light


This is a clip that integrates a 9V battery and a USB buck converter for use with a USB light. I designed this to be used on a clipboard or as self-standing on a desk. It's too bulky to be used on a book. The battery housing is polarity-dependent and only accepts the 9V battery in the correct orientation. I kind of half-improvised the design of this so it's made to fit the components I already had at home... this unfortunately means you might not be able to build it if you don't have the same components that I do. While the USB board is easy enough to find, and a suitable switch can probably fit with some hot glue, making the battery contacts requires a bit of improvisation as there is no suitable off-the-shelf component that I know of. In order for this to work, you will need: * [This USB buck converter]( * Any similar [sliding mini-switch]( that fits (I can't find the exact one I used, see image). * A 4mm diameter 26mm long rod for the hinge (can be threaded but doesn't have to be) * Four really short 1mm screws for the battery compartment * Two 6-7mm long 1.6-ish mm diameter screws for the USB housing * A strong radial spring whose hinge isn't wider than 10mm (I wound my own from windshield wiper blade stiffener rods but I don't really recommend doing that) * Some thin wires to connect the USB converter to the battery * Something to act as battery contacts... I improvised this by cutting a rectangle of PCB, filed away the copper in the middle to create two contact points, soldered some springy metal to it to make it... springy. There's a slot in the battery housing that the PCB can slide into. * An IKEA JANSJÖ or similar USB LED lamp You'll only need supports for the USB housing.






