LAMUYA Face shield
I decided to make a rendition of the facemask design so that I can contribute a simple yet practical alternative that effectively satisfy the functional objective, reduce printing time, and also lessen the design stresses that could burden low-end printers. This design introduces a screw mechanism for the faceshield attachment. The screw once fastened keeps the faceshield component firmly attached to the head element and allows the end-users the freedom to move more rigorously when required without the risk of the shield coming off. Downloadable files 1. LAMUYA_SHIELD.stl 2. The screw 3.5mm.stl 3. The screw 4.0mm.stl Of course it would be amiss of me not to credit the designs from the community that inspired this PrusaShield by Josef Prusa Anycubic faceshield by the Anycubic team Aeigis faceshield by alsolis