Joy Con box with magnetic cover
I was asked to make a Joy-con case for my friend Aubrey. She had issues with her Amazon bought case being too loose and causing the buttons to be pressed; draining the batteries. My 9 year old son also didn't object to "helping" by letting me borrow his controllers for fitment. (Yes, I made him one too). I couldn't find a thingy that held 2 joycons with straps, prevented battery drainage, and was simple in design. Not to mentioned pretty to look at for hours on end. So I made my own. I had M3 screws/nuts and a few magnets at my disposal. Time to fire up Fusion 360! I designed a "bump stop" to keep the top buttons from hitting the lid, and used design cues and curves from the joycons to match..see pictures! I used the Prusa Slicer "change color" feature at 95.00mm Z height so I can permanently hide the M3 square nuts (hex nuts ok) in the cavity and then resumed printing to bury them under a few layers of filament. IF YOU WANT TO INSTALL NUTS AFTER PRINT: For those who don't have that "pause" feature or don't mind having hideous gaps and holes in their projects and/or just lazy, I will make a file with holes on top to drop them in afterwards. NOTES: - .20mm first layer and layer height - Paused printing at 95.00mm to drop in square/hex nuts using "change color feature" on Prusa Slicer. - Extra file named "Joycon_case_Bottom_with_holes" for installing nuts after printing. - Another option if you don't have nuts is to super glue the M3 screws in after assembly. could be a little loose and a little ghetto. Materials needed: - 2 pcs M3 nuts (square preferred, hex ok) - 2 pcs M3 socket head cap screw 20mm or 25mm long - 4 magnets sized 3/16 dia x 1/8 thick. ($.29 cents each) Links to buy below - 2 M3 washers** **OPTIONAL I made enough clearance to push in washers between the joints. You can fit M3 washers with a small drop of super lube for buttery-smooth action! IMPORTANT TIPS!!!: - When gluing the magnets, MAKE SURE THE POLARITY IS CORRECT!! You want the magnets pulling at each other NOT pushing. GLUE ONE at a time. The way I did it: - assemble the box and install the magnets on one side (bottom or cover) - then stick the next 2 magnets onto the freshly installed magnets. This guarantees the correct orientation. - Put some glue in the next hole and close the box so that the magnet is seated in the hole. - Then tap flush with surface. repeat. - The cavity for the magnets are deeper than the 1/8 thick magnets. I did this so I can make sure the magnets are perfectly flush with the surface with room for glue underneath. I used a small hammer to lightly tap the magnets in place. Be careful not to crack the magnets! - If using HEX NUTS, make sure a flat side is down. flat to flat distance is the same as the square nuts. Links: Where to buy the $.29 cent magnets: You can get M3 screws and nuts from: [Click here Amazon]( I highly recommend them to use with 3D printing. Many designs use this size.