Hörmann garage door sensor
I'm working on a home automation system and I needed a way to know if our garage doors are closed. The easiest way was to connect it to my Shelly1 switch input. I'm running Tasmota firmware on Shelly1 so the input just sends a MQTT message over to my Home Assistant. I wanted to design a "sensor" that will stay in place and that's possible to be installed without taking the door assembly apart. This is my first try in designing something like this and it could be better :) Still, it works well for over a month and I didn't see any need to improve it. Yes, the microswitch may die after some time. I'm using switches like these: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/4000029868541.html (arc lever ones). Included are all files that I used to design this, feel free to remix them.