Ender 3 Front case for BTT SKR v1.3 + RPI3

Ender 3 Front case for BTT SKR v1.3 + RPI3


#Ender 3 Front case for BTT SKR v1.3 + RPI3 for running Octopring / Klipper I've searched for cases to accommodate RPI3 ans SKR v1.3 on the front replacing the stock electronics case without luck...so I've designed my own. Hope it will be useful for someone. **Read all info / instructions, some tools and other bits are needed for successful installation** **Print orientation & Materials** All parts oriented correctly for printing, base and lid will take 4-6 hours to print each. Recommended materials: 1. PLA+. 2. PETG. **Hardware specs:** 1. Designed specifically for [BTT SKR 1.3](https://www.banggood.com/custlink/DDmKkgqAnn) 2. Stepper drivers [TMC2208](https://www.banggood.com/custlink/3mG3z0znkw) or [TMC2209](https://www.banggood.com/5Pcs-BIGTREETECH-TMC2209-V1_2-Silent-StepSticks-Stepper-Motor-Driver-VS-TMC2130TMC5160-for-3D-Printer-Parts-SKR-V1_3mini-E3-p-1630865.html?p=MB031525269022015090&custlinkid=868798) .(Both options will run in UART mode) 3. [Raspberry PI 3B](https://www.banggood.com/custlink/DGvmk62UKG) 4. [4010 fans](https://www.banggood.com/custlink/vm3GMe2UEu), x2 needed. (I run them in series - at 12V for quiter operation) 4. [LM2596 voltage stabilizer](https://www.banggood.com/custlink/m3v3k6qU3J) - used for provide 5V for RaspberryPI. **RPI <-> SKR 1.3 connection diagram:** ![Alt text](https://i.ibb.co/pQsrBf9/RPI-Conn-R0.png) Additional configuration needed on the RPI3: 1. /boot/config.txt file, add "*dtoverlay=pi3-miniuart-bt*" to the end of file. 2. /boot/cmdline.txt, delete "*console=serial0,115200*", this disables the serial console. 3. Reboot the RPI. 4. On OtoPrint interface, Settings-->Serial Connection-->Additional Serial Pots, add the following port option: "*/dev/ttyAMA0*". 5. Use the port we added to connect, it highly recommended to use 250000 baud rate. (Need to be adjusted in Marlin during compilation, "*#define BAUDRATE 250000*") **Bits needed** 1. [M3 Button head screws kit](https://www.banggood.com/custlink/3Gv35M31EG) 2. M3 nuts, stadard DIN934. 3. [M3 tap](https://www.banggood.com/custlink/Km3mqez2dC) for making threads. 4. Connection to frame via. M3 T nuts, can be printed - https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3050607 **Revisions Tracking** 19.04.2020 - Wiring diagram for RPI <-> RPI added. Will be happy to modify or adjust if someone needs something else. Happy 3d printing.



