FrSky Taranis Q X7 Battery Tray for 'X7' branded battery (2S 2200mAh)
The battery that I had for my TX keeps on rattling whenever I was moving around with the transmitter. At the same time, I was always afraid of accidentally damaging something on the exposed PCB underneath. I made this from scratch in fusion360, based on measurements from jos310581's stl and measurements of the actual battery bay. I made the tray slightly larger so that there is a really snug fit, preventing rattling of the tray. The battery should also fit just nice. The source F360 file is included if you want to edit to fit your own battery sizes. I also added 2 more designs, Back Tray Only - 2mm cover plate, no walls Universal - Almost similar to the main file, except it has 2mm walls on all 4 sides. Do post your makes!