FL sun QQ magnetic effector for E3D titan Aero

FL sun QQ magnetic effector for E3D titan Aero


This is a magnetic effector mod for FLsun QQ that allows for mounting E3D Titan Aero extruder. It is meant to be used with round magnets and rods with steel balls to act as bearings. Parts I used: Magnets: https://pl.aliexpress.com/item/32811516463.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.27425c0fNm039B Rods: https://pl.aliexpress.com/item/32873008778.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.27425c0fNm039B The effector is to be printed in 2 parts and then glued together with acetone. Preferably it should be printed with ABS as it can withstand higher temperatures and also bonds much better with acetone that PLA. Alternatively other materials like PETg can be used however other type of adhesive may have to be used. Magnetic Bearing part is to be glued with acetone to standard carriages of Flsun QQ. In order to do this the old bearing mounts have to cut and sanded first. If this option is too much then other printed carriages can be used alternatively. Magnets spacing is 45 mm while FLsun QQ linear rods have 40 mm spacing. Any carriages will do. In order to prevent magnetic bearing from easily falling apart (effectively droping extruder on a build surface) puuling springs are added for tension. Best option here is to use whatever you have available locally as springs are fairly inexpensive and common. Do not use metal strings with the springs as they produce noise and vibrations that are visible on the print surface. Better option is to use thin but durable rope. Springs should be tight enough not to allow effector misplacement.



