Alternative Taranis Q X7 M7 gimbal ring

Alternative Taranis Q X7 M7 gimbal ring


After upgrading the stock gimbals to M7 on my Taranis Q X7, I found the old rings a bit dull. Additionally, I didn't like the recess that reveals more of the silver ring plastic caused by the fact that the M7 gimbals sit a few mm lower, or at least the plate is lower than the internal ring on the stock gimbals. So I designed an alternative ring. This one gives an impression of being a bit bigger, because the 45 degree slope starts right above the gimbal plate and the walls on the top are a bit thinner. This eradicates the tunnel-like look created by the stock ring together with the M7 gimbal. Also the upper wall is shaped according to the upper face of the radio. OnShape link: EDIT 19.04.2020: added version 2 with a larger fillet on the top to reduce the sharp edge; 2 tolerances available: - tight: as v1, should fit snugly if the extruder is well calibrated, - loose: 0.2 mm inner + 0.2 mm outer clearance: perfect for printing with Fuzzy skin in cura for a more organic effect (thickness: 0.1mm, density: 6/mm).







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