Custom YV-666 'Hawk's Talon'
Here's a remix of the dantesgift / G_d_b model of Bossk's YV-666 freighter. I printed a straight YV-666 and immediately knew I wanted to get a custom version on the table as well. Always thought this ship would look cool with some beefy X-wing style engines and 'S-foils' so decided to have a play. The HWK290 cockpit seemed to fit the spikier more aggressive look of the wings, so I stuck that on as well as a few bombs/missiles. 'The Hawk's Talon' seemed like a fitting name for it :) It includes bits and pieces from Astrofossil's beautiful HWK290 and K-Wing, as well as the engines from aaskedall's Razor Crest model. Thanks to the creators of these fantastic sculpts. Edit: Be prepared to Dremel the shit out of a print to get the pieces to fit together! Apologies, my 3D-fu is weak :D