Respirator for Casting in Silicone or Printing
This Design has not been tested yet. If you successfully print and cast this design please let me know if it works as designed in the comments section. This is a respirator mask designed specifically for being cast in Silicone such as Mold Star 31T which is a skin safe mold material that can be found from Smooth-On. Links will be at the end of this write up. The walls of the mask are thicker to make it easier to cast in silicone. I've added ribs to help the mask keep its shape if cast in a softer skin safe silicone such as Dragon Skin 10. I also placed the mask connection points to the back of the mask along a straight not curved edge all in an effort to make it easier to mold and cast. The files here are of the positive of the mask, it's inner filter and outer filter cover. You can print the positive files out if you need a single mask and it should work for you. However this mask design is intended to be cast in skin safe silicone. The filters inner and outer can be printed directly or you can cast silicone in the supplied mold box files then cast them in resin. I suggest using Task 8 also from Smooth-On. Task 8 is a high temp quick curing resin that can withstand a low level of sterilization in an autoclave. Please feel free to share this design with anyone and everyone. Post it elsewhere or whatever you need to do to get it out to the masses who need this. Mold Star 31T: Dragon Skin 10: If you find this useful, please donate what you think it is worth to my paypal account Help cover the time of design. Thanks, Enjoy and share this file!