Brachiograph - 3D printed parts for pen plotter
I made a Brachiograph: **** The project is awsome and even with simple tools you can build a pen plotter in <1h. Amazing work. I own a 3D printer and didn't found neat parts, so I made these. I used a raspberry pi case as the base, the other parts are all new designed to fit the needs of the brachiograph. The arm length are 80mm like in the manual how to build it. The kit consists of: * **PiMountBase.stl**: The base for the raspberry pi and the shoulder servo * I added some spacers and a little bit of space to add a little perfboard pcb to get a nice assembly. I also added some wireway (more experimental) to get nice looking wiring. * **ServoArmInner80.stl**: The inner servo arm with 80mm distance between the center of the servos. * **ServoArmOuter.stl**: The outer servo arm, it depends where you glue the peg but 80mm distance is no problem. The servos can be mounted with screws, but i just used hot glue at the end * **ServoLifterHornE0.stl**: The extended servo horn for the lifting, with a 90 degree angle it lifts the pen better, instead of pushing the arm aside. * **Standoff40mm**: This is used to give more stability to the inner arm, but it also can decrease the drawing area. In my setup 40mm was needed, if you need a higher standoff, just scale it in your slicer. I used glue to glue the servo horns in place and also add the peg with hotglue. There are some marks in the outer arm which are 80mm apart, this should help get the center of the pen 80mm away from the center of the servo horn. Video: