Catan Bank

Catan Bank


This is a bank and card dispenser for the following game pieces of Settlers of Catan. <p><a href="" title="Settlers of Catan resource tokens">Settlers of Catan resource tokens</a> Opening is cut all the way to the floor to make removal of the pieces easier</p> <p><a href="" title="Catan Development Card Tokens">Catan Development Card Tokens</a> scaled down to 70%. Push the button on the back to dispense a card</p> <p><a href="" title="Catan Score Keeper & Resource Holder">Catan Score Keeper & Resource Holder</a> Holds the Longest Road and Largest Army score markers on the front</p> The lid is held in place by tabs. Place it directly over the tray and push straight down. Sometimes it take a little shake to get it to snap all the way into place. To get the cards inserted without making a mess, you'll need to have the lid on. Place the cards in the sleeve and flip the bank upside-down. Slide the sleeve in until it snaps into place. I based it on the box that comes with Jenga.



