Stratego like playing piece (blank) and face for custom symbols
Originally designed to create gaming pieces similar to the ones found in the old Stratego board game. The idea here is to create different faces and print them to be attached on to the front of the blank piece. In this way you should be able to create custom game pieces for whatever games you like. You could even consider mounting the faces on magnetic tape and adding a metal plate to the piece. You could then easily swap out different faces for different games and reuse the pieces :) Currently there are two versions using this base piece: - Stratego like printable faces: - Stratego like whole printable pieces: I don't know the original Stratego game piece dimensions but the blank playing piece is 3cm high by 2.3cm wide by 1.3cm deep. The blank face (which you can drop icons onto is about 2.1cm high by about 1.1cm wide by 0.2mm thick. These have been designed for speed printing, so I printed the pieces out on an Ender 3 at 0.24 layer height at 80mms. The faces (see the linked Stratego thing) have a base layer of 0.2mm, the symbol height is 0.8mm giving an overall height of 1mm - ideal for printing at a 0.2 layer height. I recommend using ironing for the face symbols. Note, for resin printing the pieces I would recommend using the full pieces