Hyperlite Glide,Flosstyle, Flowride Session Mount

Hyperlite Glide,Flosstyle, Flowride Session Mount


My original session mount I released 2 years ago held up to a ton of abuse and finally shredded when I mach 5ed literally just the top of the gopro mount into a soccer goal crossbar. I was sure that the session was gone but to my surprise it had hardly a scratch on it . I tried other peoples mounts that I thought looked cool and none of them survived long...not anything against them could've been my print settings who knows...but my buddy who is a Mech E major showed me his desgin for the RVS Duke, I knew he was onto something, so I set about modifying mine to look more like his and added a crossfire mount, because mounting the antenna vertically is seriously the way to go. This is really a remix of my old mount, but its new enough Im just making a new thing. It will fit most of the hyperlite frames thanks to their unified mounting pattern. I have it on my og flowride thats still going strong after converting to 6 in and a 6in flosstyle. Its not perfect but its strong, convenient and looks good(IMO), you do have to watch for the lower element of the immortal T, I shredded one tonight, ziptieing it to the camera standoff works, or just live dangerously... As usual with my designs its public domain, idgaf license or whatever... The .stl is for a 30-degree mount ( I double and triple checked on this one) Same with the .stp which is available for people to modify and hopefully make better! One way to make it stronger for sure is to get rid of the sd card access..but its so convenient I just left it.






