Pédale / Pedal / Throttle gas with potentiometer for go kart, ride on, power wheel

Pédale / Pedal / Throttle gas with potentiometer for go kart, ride on, power wheel


I was in need to design a pedal for a speed controller with potentiometer. The need was to have a small footprint (kid car toy), and no specific external component to add. Therefore I design this model, fully functional for me, adapted for standard potentiometer such as 10k ones. The feedback force for the pedal is ensured by a simple clothespin spring. You just need a clothespin and a potentiometer. 4 STL pieces : - pedal base - pedal top - gear and rack to act on the pot - 4 axes (3 use +1 if some broke in case of sanding) I print it on an ender 3 pro, infill 50%. It's very small and thin pieces so you may print it with an infill of 100% to make it stronger. At a first glance, you can print it light just to test your potentiometer size. You may need to enlarge with a cutter the axis of the gear to insert your pot in the gear.






