Developer saver for 120 film development on Paterson reels
THERE SEEMS TO BE AN ISSUE WITH THE FILE- PLEASE CHECK SIZING BEFORE PRINTING. AWAITING FURTHER INVESTIGATION. This simple print is designed to save your wallet and the environment. Each time you develop a roll of 120 film, you can use 100ml less solution! Because of the developer being used in huge excess, this does not change the development process. Print this part in such a way that it is watertight- I suggest a 1.1 extrusion multiplier, 5 top/bottom layers, and 4 outlines. Put it on your spool before loading the film. Tested with 123-3d PLA in Ilfosol3 and Rodinal. If you try a new plastic, put it in some developer first to test it's stability. Also test it with the stopbath and fixer. This part fits the spools that I have- that's both older and newer ones. If it does not fit yours, let me know and I can modify the file!