Micro Pod and Boom RC Glider

Micro Pod and Boom RC Glider


A small R/C V-tail glider based around the wing of a Graupner Mini Discus free flight glider and an 8 mm carbon tube. Printed in under 4 hours total using PETG. Flying weight under 80 grams with a 180mah 2s battery, two 4,5g servos and a small receiver. Two carbon rods through the boom to control the V-tail, for the sake of lighter weight and simplicity there are no ailerons. The tail is made in 2,5mm balsa. Alternatively there is a printable tail included. It's supposed to be covered but I had trouble getting the cover material to stick without melting the print so went for tried and proven balsa instead. Most parts are printed without supports as a single layer. There are several 0,2mm slots in the model that are supposed to print as single wall ribs. I experimented in Cura with a outer wall expansion between 0,05 and 0,12mm and an inset of ~ -0,1mm. You should see a single line thickness wall when sliced correctly. Note: this setting may be hidden and you might have to customize Cura before you can see and adjust the setting. There is a wing included in the parts list that is there for reference. It is an approximate model of the original wing that came with the Mini Discus. This design is still tested and being improved in my spare time. Let me know if you have any ideas or suggestions! Happy flying! P.S. As the wing loading with a flying weight of 80 grams is a bit high I am working on a design for an alternative, larger span wing with printed ribs and balsa spars. Will upload and link to it as a separate thing when that is ready.







R/C Vehicles