SCUF Prestige Xbox Controller Paddles
Replacement paddles for SCUF Prestige Xbox controller (not affiliated with or endorsed by SCUF Games). NEW, 2021/05/07: Added V2 files with modified reinforcement struts, and large paddle has button post shifted slightly (0.1mm) toward inside of controller for improved contact. Provided STL models are for left side. Mirror each on one axis to print right side paddles. For FDM printers, recommended print orientation is included in the Cura screenshot. This orientation results in good surfaces where dimensions are critical. Paddles should slide into the controller slots with minimal effort. *Do not force* (you don't want to damage your controller). If paddles do not insert easily, sand or file the edges around the end that slides into the slot-- you likely have support material or brim remaining on the critical areas. Note: flexibility of paddles may depend on material used. Removing material from the strut connected to the button-pressing post will increase flexibility.