Dreamflight Libelle DLG Motor Kit Folding Engine
It sucks to throw your DGL, because it ist too light to gain enoght hight? Put an engine on it. It climbs not well but it climbs. My setup uses 2 550mAh Lipo Akkus in parallel (1S2P) and an Tiny ESC with an small burshed motor. If you give power the arm foldsup and you can climb to some high. If you hit a thermal shut the engine off, the engine folds back and wont notice it. Parts: Beside the Printet parts you Need.. 2 M3 bolds and nuts to secure the engine 1 M4 bold to srew on the plane Akku https://banggood.app.link/mZJ7UbBCQ5 ESC https://banggood.app.link/FyQzAYICQ5 Probs https://banggood.app.link/N3WcSsGCQ5 Engine https://banggood.app.link/FfsdGUHCQ5 Make sure the Joint move smooth and stay clean. Otherwise the airstream can not foldback the engine. and you end up with an nice airbrake. It is wise calibrate the CG with foldback engine. so it is easyer to soaring.