ERC1602-4 I2C 16x2 LCD case for fischertechnik

ERC1602-4 I2C 16x2 LCD case for fischertechnik


Conventional 16x2 character LCD displays with hd44870 controllers are huge. They get even bigger with a PCF8574-based I2C module attached to their back. sell the EastRising ERC1602-4 LCD series with a chip-on-glass (COG) ST7032 I2C controller which is much more compact. This allows for a lean and sexy 75x30x15 mm fischertechnik-compatible case. It's I2C connector is compatible with ftDuino and ft TX connectors. Connectivity is accomplished with a simple perfboard PCB. Connections: * pull up RESET (pin 1) with a 4,7k resistor * pin 9 to VDD, pin 10 to GND for I2C mode * never forget a capacitator with correct polarity between pins 11 and 12, or you'll get display errors, I used 1µF * the 47 ohm LED resistor is for VDD = 3,3V, with 5V you'll need a bigger one * SCL, SDA, GND and VDD for I2C Use the comment sections or contact me directly if you need more info. Please "like" this thing or post your make as a token of appreciation for my work. Find my other fischertechnik designs [here](



