Sidewinder 4020 Vortex Fan Shroud Remix

Sidewinder 4020 Vortex Fan Shroud Remix


Been looking for a fan that gave me some access to the nozzle. The Ultimate Cooler is a great shroud but it's huge and takes up a lot of room. I really enjoy the idea of these modular fan shroud clips and have been using the C-Shroud for a while but it doesn't quite reach the back of a print well. I think if someone were to flip the fan upside-down and use a clip on a Petsfang or Bullseye could be made w/o all the extra plate/headroom but that's a project for another day. The original Vortex I took this from was workable. I just didn't like the thinness of the fan clip and wanted to make it a bit more modular for modular sake. I use mainly a .6 nozzle and this was printed at .36 with a width of .6 -- you don't have to. I printed this on it's side with tree supports (image shows.) You don't have to. Make this work how you want to make it work. The bolt holes are the only real tolerance you'll find and you can force M3 6's into it. If you're into shrouds you probably already flex a bit in print finishing. Have at it. Could it use further work. You betcha. We'll see if I circle back to do more, or if one of you do something more awesome. :D I do PLA for the fan side mount and PETG for the bed side--if you print hot PLA will sag after time and you don't want that. Print PETG or better. Will it be close to your sock? Yea. Will it matter? Probably not. Heat dissipation is fast off a heat cart and I use a e3d v6 volcano block and haven't glassed it yet.



