stock CR-10s Direct Drive Mod *UPDATED*

stock CR-10s Direct Drive Mod *UPDATED*


Here is the Direct Drive mount MK2! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE give credit to me if shared! This is a Modification for the CR-10s (I think it might work on cr-10 and ender3, but no guarantees as I've never tested it) to be converted to a Direct Drive. The advantages are very little slop and filament friction reduction while retracts can be lowered. Plus, the possibility of the bowden tube becoming undone is nill. Please keep in mind that this is a poor man's direct drive, and paid items probably work better. That being said, I can already tell you that this is a damn sight better than the bowden tube setup! IF THE "DOWNLOAD ALL FILES" BUTTON IS GIVING YOU 404 NOT FOUND simply download the individual file below the image of the Thing. It's a weird bug in thingiverse RN.



