Rehoboam (Westworld S3)

Rehoboam (Westworld S3)


After some interest I'm upload my Rehoboam model that I did after watching Westworld S3. I did not initially plan on posting it here so here are some tips/info on how I printed it to get the end results shown: I understand that everyone's printer will be a bit different, and people might use very different print settings etc. But in my case I managed to avoid using supports for the overhangs when printing the model in it's natural up position. On the bottom part of the model I basically only added some extra support on the very center so it has a more sturdy base and does't tip over. However, you might want to use supports if you feel like the overhangs might be an issue for your printer etc. For the top part of the model you can see the image in the gallery on how it's best to print it. Youtube clip: <b>The files:</b> UPDATE 20-07-14: I now only have a 2 piece print that has been a updated a tiny bit (the very top 2-3 rows have more thickness) in case some bump into their printers not liking the thinness of the original piece. I myself didn't have issues with it but its better to add extra margin. Also do look at the pic in gallery on giving the very center a support. The piece I named with _bottom_ should be in their natural up position so you can skip the supports (except the very bottom part so it doesn't tip over or so), but you'll notice this in the slicer if you orient them the wrong way. <b>On the DIY creation/assembly:</b> I simply glued the pieces together, fairly straightforward. As far as the lights go, what I did was use 1mm and 0.75mm optic fiber cable that goes through the holes fairly smoothly if its printed correctly, otherwise just use a needle carefully through the hole if there stringing or something covering it a bit. <B>The parts used:</b> - WS2812B Led rings - ESP32/ESP8266 with WLED firmware ([WLED firmware link]( In WLED there is a function called segments where you can split up the leds into sections to do different effects which is what I did, and then you simply apply one of the existing effects that mimic running lights. - 1mm / 0.75mm optic fiber (the very top 3-4 and bottom 3-4 rows should only use 0.75mm) - some 3d printer ptfe tube to gluegun to the led rings so the optic fiber cables could be placed smoothly on the leds. (this could very well be modeled/designed and be printed instead as a single piece to put over the led rings) While all this above is not a full detailed explanation of how I made it, I did want to share the model for those that got curious, so here you go, do please share the printed results if you do make it! I've also posted a bit more info/pics on:






