Nikon Coolscan 35mm Film Holder

Nikon Coolscan 35mm Film Holder


This is my first attempt at a very simple 35mm film holder for a Nikon Coolscan 4000 / IV. It should also fit a CoolScan 5000 / V. It's dimensioned off of the MA-21 slide holder, but for people who want to manually scan strips of film instead of mounted slides. It's also my first attempt at ever designing anything in a CAD software for 3D printing, so comments and tips are welcome. There's many changes i'd like to make but I can't figure out how to do yet in AutoDesk. There's two files, the STL file and also a Gcode file with supports for just throwing on the printer. The GCode uses a 5% infill which is basically useless and a waste of filament, so i'd just do a 0% infill instead unless you want to go heavier. I printed this on Sunlu PLA+ at 0.2 layer thickness at 210* and 55* bed temp, 80% fan and 50mm/s speed.






